
Dear You,

I wanted to write a thank you letter, but couldn’t  even decide how to word the greeting, let alone find the words to say how overwhelmed our hearts have been at the outpouring of love toward Olivia and our little family. When I close my eyes to picture the faces of those who have meant so much these past couple of months, I see faithful friends and family who have stood with us from the beginning. I see new friends, and I marvel over the depth of sacrificial love found in this amazing community we came to only one short year ago. I see blurry faces that represent people we’ve never even met, yet you prayed and gave anyway. So, I finally settled on “Dear You,” because if you’re reading this, it means that you care. Robert and I–and Olivia too–are so grateful. Please find yourself in what follows and know that you’ve made a profound impact on our lives. We pray that God will bless you abundantly and that someday, somehow we’ll be able to return the favor.

Dear You,

It’s Monday morning, and we’ve been home a little over a week. Home! Home after 6 long weeks in the hospital. Home in the house you helped clean and unpack so we wouldn’t come back to “empty” or “messy.” Home to the fresh walls you painted as carefully as you would’ve your own. Everywhere I look I see something to be grateful for:  floors that gave me fits but you finished them perfectly, a smooth ceiling where a giant hole once lived, an organized kitchen and a lawn cut (probably several times over in the length of time we’ve been gone). The fridge and freezer are full of leftovers from the wonderful meals you made, and even Echo the dog was well taken care of in our absence.

Around town this week, I’ve seen you in your t-shirts. I saw the pictures and the hashtags from far away too! So many t-shirts–each one proclaiming faith and telling the story of thoughtful, giving hearts. I read the words “Love for Livi,” and we do. We feel your love. I  realize the time and care it must’ve taken to get that many t-shirts out into the world. You didn’t have to do it, but you did.

I think back to the time in the hospital and remember all the times you called or messaged. It was as if God saw that things were getting hard or lonely or scary, and right in that moment, you sent a scripture or a song or an “I love you.” I got on Facebook and felt your prayers as the comments appeared.

A few times it got really tough, and I fought back tears when you walked through the door. You can’t possibly know how much I needed that or what it meant. You made time in a busy day. You drove hours to get to us. Or came from next door, giving selflessly even when your own baby hurt too. You kept coming again and again, and you even stayed through the night when we needed you.

When you visited, you brought hope in the form of stuffed bears and dolls and a lion (like Jesus, the Lion of Judah, you said) and Minnie Mouse (because Olivia will go to Disney too some day). You brought hair spray, snacks and replacement flip flops. You let me borrow your clothes and babysat while I got a haircut that you paid for. You brought meals from the real world when we’d had enough hospital food to last a lifetime. You brought speakers too, so that songs of worship would drown out the hospital sounds. You brought laughter and conversation and friendship, and we love you for it.

When you couldn’t come, you sent your love. You prayed. You asked how things were, and you kept asking. You sent funny stories and the snow balls you knew she loved so much. You held things together at home, loving on kindergarteners and teenagers when we couldn’t. You planned lessons and took care of end-of-school details. The work got done because of you.

You little ones helped too, praying your big prayers. Loving your friend and wanting her home. Making cards with your tiny hands and videos with your sweet voices.

When I think about all that you gave and how God provided for us through you, I’m in awe. We hardly had time to consider the impact of missing paychecks before being showered with the fruit of your selfless generosity. You took up love offerings and gave from what was yours. You bought t-shirts and slipped money in my purse when I wasn’t looking. You thought up ways to help, filling out applications on our behalf, gathering donations, and offering a scholarship. You made it possible for us to focus on sweet Olivia instead of worrying about money.

And when we finally came home, you made us feel so loved. They way you hugged and cheered when I walked into the office at school. How you little ones ran to me in the cafeteria. What a spectacle we made with you stuck to my legs, prattling your stories all the way down our hallway! I almost lost it when we walked through the church’s front doors, getting to go as a family for the first time in months. You lifted your voices, praising God for His goodness in bringing her home, and I could hardly contain the joy of getting to be there with you again.

Most of all you prayed, and I know you’re still praying. You believed, and that hasn’t changed. What we’ve needed and still need more than anything else is for you to stand in faith with us, believing for a miracle. You’ve done that. You’re doing it, and we’re stronger because of you. Thank you.



9 comments on “Dear You,

  1. Robert Wingrove

    You and Robert never cease to amaze me. To be so young and yet so wise. I thank God every day for bringing you are your family into our life’s. God has great and marvelous things in store for you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Tammy Thomas

    So thankful y’all are home! We love you and pray for you always. Please give each other hugs and kisses from us xxxooo
    And Rory 🙏❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So beautifully written. God is so Good. Follow Him, Trust Him, Worship Him and in due Season You will Reap!!! This is Your DUE SEASON makes me wanna Shout!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. JaNell mae

    I love yall!!!!!!!! We are always praying for y’all!! Leyia tells me she can’t wait to meet Olivia one day !!! God is amazing I’m sooo blessed he brought us together as friends!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Beautiful! God is so good! We love you guys!

    Liked by 1 person

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